Maybe There's A Loving God

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh....

Yesterday was the day the Magi gave gifts to the new born king he being Jesus Christ. For those who do not know January 6 is the feast day of the three kings. In many countries outside the United States this is the day of gift giving not December 25Th. This is the day that Christ was revealed to the common folk so to say, even though the common folk happened to be Kings. Yet I would like to take the tale of the the three kings down a different road.

The three Kings followed a star, they charted a "birth chart" so to say on the King of the Jews due to be born. In today's day and age these three kings would have been called "new agers" for they practiced astrology. They were also skilled in astronomy. I am making this point about "new agers" for several reasons. Over the last year I have heard many a derogatory comments about "new agers" or anything that looks "new age" as being evil. Usually coming from "good God fearing Christians", they feeling the need to tell me to beware new age stuff that these people are evil... Interestingly one of these comments came from someone who went to a workshop done by a priest, whose ministry is to clear up past sins that came down to you through your blood line, your relatives... What ever that priest calls his ministry that is a Hindu philosophy and also a Hunna/Hawaiian philosophy, that you are carrying Karmen that needs to be cleaned up. This person who is so down on new agers ,I believe was practicing just that, with this retreat that cost $90 for the day. If you are called to a faith practice do that, which is yours and do not criticise someone else, especially when that, which you criticise you are doing. There is no Karma to be released as a Catholic there is just sin, released in the confessional. Yet we judge.... also there were the signs this past Christmas season plastered on cars stating ... keep your Happy Holidays out of my Merry Christmas... with that I say ... do you think that is a Christian thing to do??? If as a Christian you feel you have the fullness of Revelation, the fullness of truth should you not then practice it... this fullness being love, that is the truth Christ brought to earth... love so great that he died for it... Also the word Holiday mean Holy-Day. I think that his birth is a holy day don't you. Or how about Hanukkah that falls around the time of Christmas, do you forget Jesus was a Jew, do you not want to wish them a Happy Holiday? In doing so you wish Jesus' people thus.

So as people, all humanity, but especially as Christians lets us give a gift to Jesus better then gold, frankincense and myrrh... let us give him unity and stop pointing fingers at others and telling them they are wrong, stop shoving in their faces your believes. Try showing them you live your belief instead, they will know you are a Christan by your love... reference that in the Bible...

This is one of the things I really like about the apparitions in Yugoslavia... there the Blessed Mother once told one of the visionaries when asked who is the Holiest man in the area, she responded that it was a Muslim... She going on to say that the divisions among men and religion was not God made but man made... So make God happy try to restore that, which mankind took away from him, love one another this year and do not judge anyone whoever they are. And instead of plastering your car with signs and poster, plaster yourselves with the love of God for your fellow man. Now that is a sign that people will stop and read and take notice of, they may even want to be one of those signs themselves if they see it on you. That is a sign of love and humility, not of division and judgement.

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